Join us this summer!
Service Work in Rockaway Beach
This summer a group will travel to Rockaway Beach, Missouri to tear down this house. The trip will be a week long and will include roundtrip transportation, lodging, and all meals.
The total cost for the trip is $225.
Upcoming Events & Workshops
Core Value Class
We provide instruction on how to lead teams, business, families, and your life. This is done specifically through our core values and with the completion comes a Level 1 Leadership Certification.
How long? 9 weeks for 1.5 hour class once a week
Cost $150/person
Coaches Class
We provide training on how to coach with purpose. Learn to integrate and implement our core values throughout your team to equip and create leaders on your team.
How long? 2 weeks of 4 hour classes
Cost: $100/person
Big Ideas Class
In this class we cover are main ideas on leadership and how to implement them: “Dare Greatly/Dream Big,” “Stay Tough Always,” “BCD Behavior,” and “Embrace the Process.”
How long? 4 weeks of 1.5 hour classes
Cost: $75/person